Оптоэлектронный переключатель предельных сигналов LSO.06


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Level measurement for liquid media    
Chemical industry, petrochemical industry, natural gas,   offshore    
Shipbuilding, machine building    
Power generating equipment, power stations    
Process and drinking water treatment    
Special Features  
Temperature ranges from -269 ... +400 °C    
Designs for pressure ranges of vacuum to 500 bar    
Special versions: high pressure, separation layer   measurement    
Explosion-protected versions    
The optoelectronic liquid level limit switch is used for measuring liquid   level limits. This is widely independent of physical characteristics such as   refractive index, colour, specific gravity, dielectric constant and   conductivity. Measurement of small volumes is also possible.  
   The   optoelectronic transducer Model LSO.06 is also available as an   explosion-protected version (Zone 0 and Zone 1).  
      Can be used as overflow   control together with switching amplifier model LSO.25. Versions for low and   high temperatures and pressures up to 500 bar are also available.    
  The   instruments are very robust and designed for rough operating conditions. The   cable to the switching amplifier does not need any screen so that cabling can be   realised uncritically and economically.

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